Mounting the G3TXQ Hexbeam To A Cage Stubmast
If you are planning to mount the MW0JZE - G3TXQ Hexbeam above a rotator cage please follow the info on this page.
The Stubmast coming out of the cage needs to be a maximum of 48.3mm OD, any bigger and it will not fit into the bottom flange of the base plate. Insert the stub-mast into the bottom flange tighten the 2 grub screws with a 4.5mm alan key. Drill trough the pre-drilled holes on the bottom flange with a 8mm drill bit. Insert the centre-post into the top flange with the black line on the fibre collar inline with the 2 grub screws. Line the holes up on the bottom flange and insert the M8 machine screw trough the holes and tighten the nut. Make sure the top grub screws are tight. Measure 15cm below the bottom flange and drill a 8 or 10mm hole and insert bolt. I do not supply this bolt.