Welcome to the home of the G3TXQ Hexbeam built by MW0JZE

The Hexbeam is an antenna design that has been around for quite a number of years, first produced commercially by Mike Traffie from this is what many refer to as the "Classic Hexbeam" This has a turning radius of approx 9' 6" or 2.9m and covers 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m

In 2008 Steve G3TXQ redesigned the Hexbeam making it more broadband, in fact you will not need a tuner at all if everything is assembled correctly. This antenna is referred to as the "G3TXQ Broad Band Hexagonal Beam" and this is the antenna referred to trough out this website. The turning Radius has been increased to 10' 8" or 3.25m, this is a small price to pay for an improvement in bandwidth. 

I first got asked to make a G3TXQ Hexbeam for a portable IOTA event that I was part of, that's when it all began. It took lots of time to source the parts available and produce a professionally manufactured product. With units sold to over 65 countries the proof is in the building! These antennas are built to last and radio operorators to enjoy a hassle free low maintenance HF DX antenna!

Assembly time 1 hour approx, I can do it in half an hour, so will you once you have seen it built. Each antenna is designed to be assembled quickly, this makes it ideal for field days, IOTA, portable days out or DX-Peditions!

The Hexbeam works best at heights around 35ft or more but it gives a good account of itself even at 20ft – particularly if it isn’t pointing towards any close obstructions. You will see a marked reduction in SWR when raised to a reasonable height and away from nearby obstructions such as buildings. Remember that this beam is broad-banded so the SWR will remain quite low across each band – and well within range of most built-in antenna tuners in modern transceivers.

Note: All items displayed on this site are made and sold solely by MW0JZE


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Contact Ant MW0JZE

Manufacturing Hexbeams Since July 2009

G3TXQ Hexbeams Trading as Hexbeam UK since 31st March 2013

45 Amanwy Bryn Llanelli SA14 9AH

+44 (0)1554 785 002

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